Want to get more records out of your Presto brand Sapphire embossing needles? Used but good quality cutting styli can be sent back to us and resharpened into a new, ready to use embossing stylus. This service is a great way to extend the life of styli that are no longer sounding good but still have a decent amount of stone left.
Styli to be shipped to us at buyer's expense. Sending multiple needles in one package is accepted, but each stylus to be sharpened must be paid for and match quantity ordered. Address to ship to will be provided after checkout.
Notice: We cannot guarantee that every stylus sent back to us will be able to be resharpened. If, after paying and sending your used stylus to us, we evaluate and determine it to be non-viable, we will let you know and refund the order minus the cost of shipping and time spent evaluating.
US shipping is a flat $5 for any number of styli to be resharpened.
Questions about this service? Contact us for more information.